Thursday, October 1, 2009

its ok to disagree

I have had a few personal notes in my inbox that people do not think in this day and age that we can attain such a powerful walk with God that people will recognize us without one word being said. I know this is my personal opinion and I respect yours too, but I totally believe we "can" achieve this type of living. I am challenging myself to work on being more sactified in all areas of my life. We are getting rid of tv stations once again and only going to be able to use our tv for movies WE approve of for the kids. We have been too lenient too much on our kids in what they watch anymore, thinking, well if their kids watch it, it muse not be THAT bad. But we can't live our lives on what others do. If God called us to be careful with what we watch, it is sin if we don't, no matter what anyone else does. I believe that this is a key to the way some of our youth AND adults for that matter act today. There is so much violence and sex on tv that we don't even blink an eye about it anymore. When titanic came out, I was totally embarrassed that we took our kids to see that, Roger and I were embarrassed ourselves to see it and if I watched it about a year ago, I don't really think it would even bother me. I have changed so much in the past 8 years for the worse, and by the grace of God I want my sensitivity to the evils of this world back. I am not trying to say there is anything wrong with you if you don't agree. " I" am not even "willing" to make the sacrifice to change in all areas of my life YET myself, but it is my hearts cry, and hopefully as I give up one, God will challenge me to give up another. I know if you look at my life now, there are many areas where you could pick out where I fail, but God is changing me "one step at a time, one day at a time". thank you for your input

"The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul" (Psa. 121:7). How does Satan get an opening? When we stop seeking after holiness, purity, righteousness, truth; when we stop praying, when we stop reading the Word and give way to carnal appetites, it is "then" that satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. So often sickness comes as a result of disobedience. David said, "Before I was afflicted, I went astray." Seek the Lord and He will sanctify every thought, every act, till your whole being is on fire with holy purity and your one desire will be for Him who has created you in holiness. Oh, how I long for this holiness! Can we be made pure? We can. Every inbred sin must go. God can cleanse away every evil thought. Can we have a hatred for sin and a love for righteousness? Yes, God will create within us a pure heart. He will take away our stoney heart. He will cleanse us with His Spirit, and we will be cleansed from all thy filthiness. When will He do it? When you and I seek Him for such inward purity. BUT God doesn't force Himself upon any of us, it is our choice how deep we want the deeper things of God. God says, if we seek Him, we will find Him. I want to seek Him in the deep waters, not the shallow ones.

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