Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A new excitement.... "A teacup and a prayer"

God is doing something inside me. The bible says be still and know that I am God. I have been still and waited for a long time now. God is telling me it is time to do something, that I have been still long enough. I was beginning to think that all God wanted me to do was be a mom, which is a blessing, but I want more. To be more for God will make me be more for my children. I have a new excitement in me that has not been there for a very long time. An excitement in knowing that God is preparing me for something special, something different. An excitement in knowing that He hears me when I call out to Him. Sometimes I feel that God is a respecter of persons, but I know that He hears us when we ask. My heart has always been in hospitality. We recently started to host a life group at our home, and it gave me a zeal that I have been praying for. I was satisfied with just that, but God wasn't. Since I came back from depression a while back, I still have not gotten in touch with old friends. I shy away from anyone who knew me. Recently I have been feeling the need to rekindle my friendships with old girlfriends. God has been nudging me to start a bible study in our home in the area of friends. Friendships are very important because they provide a way for us to be accountable to one another, and also to learn from one another from our trials and blessings. They provide a way for the older friends to teach the younger ones about life, to be an example, and to share wisdom from things that we ourselves have already been through.The bible study will meet once a month and will be called..."A teacup and a prayer". I don't exactly know what all He is preparing me for, but I do know that I am ready, willing, and by the grace of God, I have been through a battle in the past years that has made me stronger, that has made my faith soar, and has made me persevere. I am confident that whatever valley He has me go through, his grace, and steadfast love will get me back up on that mountain. Father, may I always have a teachable spirit, and may I always take time to be still, and hear your voice. I love you

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